Microsoft D365 Finance
and Operations

A cloud-based system that combines both Finance and Supply chain in one solution
to help with your business transformation in maximizing profitability and extensibility.

Microsoft, being the world’s largest software company, built Dynamics 365 suite, where D365 Finance and Operations is included.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations enables medium and enterprise organizations to monitor global financial operations in real-time, predict outcomes, and make data-driven decisions to drive business agility and growth. Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations provides deep data and process integrations across Dynamics 365, Office 365, and partner applications to offer a centralized source of financial and operational information that saves time, facilitates cross-org collaboration, and enables faster, more informed decisions. It empowers users to do business anywhere, anytime with an intuitive user-interface personalized for their role and preferences.

AMCO Services for Microsoft D365 Finance and Operation

AMCO’s ERP functional and technical consultants have over a decade of service experience for both local and global clients, with more than 12 years of experience on both Implementation project and support services focusing on Microsoft D365 Finance and Operations. See below the specific services that we cover.


ALM Support Service

Amplify your company’s competitiveness with our Application Lifecycle Management (ALM). Our experts can help you execute new technology with ease and proactively mitigate IT security risks without breaking the bank. 

Roll Out Project

Handle multi-currency and multi-location using the same ERP application in all your location.

Roll-out projects are considered an independent project but is greatly connected to the Core company’s implementation. 


Ensure your success with centralized operations by a well-planned implementation of our CPM and ERP software. Benefit from our team’s expertise in a structured implementation, making sure that it is rigorously tested, designed, and configured to business requirements before deployment. 

Resource Outsource

Our ERP consultants has over a decade of service experience for both local and global clients, with more than 12 years of experience on both Implementation project and support services, focusing on Microsoft D365 Finance and Operations. We have expertise across the technical and functional disciplines with proper certifications released by Microsoft.

Related Resources

Why an ERP software is important to your Business

Whatever type of business you have, having a good Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system will manage some of the most important operations of a business.


What are the challenges we face in supporting customers with their ERP system?

Discover a wealth of information from our experts on financial reporting, ESG, lease accounting and more.


Transforming Your Business with D365 Finance and Operations

Learn how Microsoft D365 Finance and Operation can revolutionize your business with its comprehensive suite of capabilities.